Friday, July 29, 2011

An Idea For the US Deficit

Intead of pulling money from here or there why not have a lottery for the US Deficit? Any one any where can buy a ticket and win a jackpot prize (money, house, car, bonds/stocks, trips) and the money from the sales would go to pay on the deficit.

I believe that if people knew it would help the country they would participate in a big way...especially if they are getting something in return.

Mule Wants What?

So, we went looking for the horses and the mules the other day. All them came when called except for Bo, a 16 hand mule, so we went looking for him. While looking for him, there was a cowelk running around acting strange.

When we found Bo we realized why....he stole her calf.

You can see where Bo was licking the top of it's head.

I can understand a molly stealing a calf, but a mule? Not to mention it was real hard trying to seperate him from the calf. Later when we let Bo go he ran to find his calf, but the cowelk had manage to get her calf and leave quickly. His bellowing was all we heard for hours, Bo was sad....